January '18 BRSSUG+BRPBIUG Meeting
Post date: Dec 20, 2017 10:44:3 PM
NEXT MEETING Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Location: The Louisiana Technology Park - http://www.brssug.org/where
Sponsor: TBA
All of our meetings are open to the public, open to students, folks looking to get into the field and those looking to move up! Please spread the word and come prepared to learn and share your knowledge and experience!
5:45 - 6:15 pm: Networking and Dinner with the other user groups
6:15 - 6:30 pm: Announcements, Sponsor Message, and Lightning Talks
6:30 - 6:45 pm: User Group business/Lightning Rounds
6:45 - 8:00 pm: Speakers
8:00 - 8:30 pm: Raffle and Giveaways
This will be a joint meeting with the Baton Rouge Power BI User Group (BRPBIUG)
Please also visit our Meetup.com site and RSVP!
Lightning Round Presenter: Andy Parkerson, Web Developer and Dreamer of Dreams, ShoppersChoice
Topic: Normalizing Measures in DAX
Detail: When you want to graph data from various measures with vastly different scales, often the largest scaled data can dwarf the other data, or force it to the edge altogether. In this talk we will discuss the problem and its solution. We will also discuss variations on the theme when the data is in particular structures that make the first solution not work.
Bio: Andy is a PowerBI developer, web developer and digital ad expert for a local ecommerce. He is currently interested in embedded PowerBI, and learning what all the hype about R is about.
Main Presenter: Matthew Tessier
Topic: The DBA Escape Room - No One Leaves Until Production is Back Online
Link: Database Corruption Challenge 3
Detail: This is it, the dreaded all hands on deck call. The production database is dead in the water and the whole team has been called in to the office to get it back online. It's a full blown Resume Generating Event if the database cannot be recovered right up to the point of failure. So brush up on your DBCC commands and prepare to think outside the box.
Bio: Matthew Tessier is a long time computer geek also into Sci-fi and Disney. While mostly working with the Microsoft databases, he has been known to dabble with Linux and Raspberry Pi single board computers, when the mood strikes him.