June '18 BRSSUG+BRPBIUG Meeting
Post date: May 17, 2018 5:30:40 PM
When: Jun 13, 2018 from 5:45 PM to 8:00 PM (CT)
Location: LA Tech Park - Location Information
Sponsor: Lucid, LLC
• 5:45 - 6:15: General Introduction/Food and Drinks
• 6:15 - 7:30: Presentations
• 7:30 - Until: Open forum for questions
Main Presentation:
Yoke Wanneevechasilp from Lucid, LLC
Main Topic:
Demo of a data mart from end-to-end using AWS Redshift as a database, ETLs in Python and Power BI as a front-end for data interaction and visualization
Yoke Wanneevechasilp is a Tech Lead in BI Engineering at Lucid. Yoke has experience working in numerous industries, including fiancial services, market research, construction, healthcare, technology, education, government and manufacturing. Her expertise has included project lifecycle management, data modeling, data integration, and enterprise BI solutions using Microsoft BI Stack (SSIS, SSAS, SSRS), Power BI, Informatica PowerCenter, IDQ, MDM and Python. Yoke loves dogs, gardening, and beach volleyball.
Lightning Round:
Willow Sells from ShoppersChoice.com
Lightning Round Topic:
Google AMP pages for a faster mobile web
Willow Sells is a full-stack developer at ShoppersChoice.com. She likes building things and solving problems. Her current position at ShoppersChoice requires her to play with everything from databases to SEO optimization. In her spare time, she builds circuits for fun projects, dances, and goes adventuring.