March '17 Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Post date: Mar 02, 2017 3:11:57 AM
Our next meeting will be March 8, 2017 at the Louisiana Technology Park.
The meeting will begin around 6pm, sponsor TBD!
Main Topic: Azure SQL Database for the Production DBA
Summary: Have you been wondering what Azure SQL Database is and what it means for you as a production DBA? Azure SQL Database has become an Enterprise-worthy database platform that provides relational database-as-a-service. In this session you’ll get a grounding in the fundamentals of Azure SQL Database from a DBA perspective. First we’ll cover how to create an Azure SQL Database using the Azure Portal and an approach for sizing a new Azure SQL Database. Then we’ll cover some of the similarities and differences between on premises SQL Server and Azure SQL Database. Finally, we will cover how monitoring and performance tuning Azure SQL Database differs from on premises SQL Server. If you’ve been considering Azure SQL Database for your organization, this session is for you!
Speakers: Tim Radney
Bio: Tim works as a principal consultant at Tim is a SQL Server MVP. and has presented at PASS, SQLintersection, SQL Saturdays, user groups and numerous webinars. In addition Tim runs the Columbus GA SQL Users Group, is a PASS Regional Mentor and was named a PASS Outstanding Volunteer in 2012. He’s married with three children and has a passion for electronics. He also farms chickens (for eggs), dwarf Nigerian goats, and tilapias in his spare time.
All of our meetings are open to the public, open to students, folks looking to get into the field and those looking to move up! Please spread the word and come prepared to learn and share your knowledge and experience!